Saturday, August 22, 2009

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To be active and it was prepared to do the Foundation series as three books. The publisher of Gnome felt however that the series began too abruptly. He persuaded me to write a small Foundation story one that would serve as an introductory section to the first book (so that the first part of the Foundation series was the last written). In 1951 the Gnome Press edition of Foundation was published containing the introduction and the first four stories of the series. In 1952 Foundation and Empire appeared with the fifth and sixth stories; and in 1953 Second Foundation appeared with the seventh and eighth stories. The three books together came to be called The Foundation Trilogy. The mere fact of the existence of the Trilogy pleased me but Gnome Press did not have the financial clout or the publishing knowhow to get the books distributed properly so that few copies were sold and fewer still paid me.
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